
Ways to have flat stomach | Have flat stomach now.

Ways to have Flat Stomach :- Have Flat Stomach now

When it comes to our bodies, we all have one place or another that we are a little unhappy with. You always hear people say things like "I hate my stomach" or "my ass is too big" Of course, some of these things are said in jest, but there is still discontent hidden in there. 

Despite everything, however, one thing has become almost an obsession today is therefore about our abs look. It seems that everyone is looking for the Ever Elusive Flat Stomach, but just as Ponce De Leon to find the fountain of youth, it seems impossible to find. 

Now, while there is no magic blueprint ways to have a flat stomach. There is something you can use, if used regularly,will get you the results you are looking for. For these results, stretching on a daily basis is necessary, but keep in mind that exercises to have flat stomach alone will not burn fat off your body.

How to have a flat stomach

Keep calories in check over your abs every day will be the best ways to Have Flat Stomach

Crunches are easy to make, and if done correctly are highly effective for toning the abs. 

Here are step by step breakdown of the proper ways to have the most out of your tummy. 

Lie on your back on the floor with your legs bent at a 90 degree angle with both your back and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, making sure not to lock your fingers. 

The next step is to take place on the ceiling just above you. 

This must be done to ensure that you do not bend your neck during the movement. Do not take your eyes off this place!

 The most common error that use to lead to crisis is too much stress on the neck as a result of pulling with your hands. 

The next step is to stabilize the lower back. This can be done by tightening the abdominal muscles. 

Slowly curl forward and up using only the abdominal muscles. There should be no bending at waistline. 

Keep your abdominal firm throughout the period to ensure stabilization of the lumbar spine. Keep your attention on that spot on the ceiling to prevent neck pain due to stress.

 The top of the shoulder blades should be 4-8 inches from the ground. No need to go further. Pause here in this  position.

 All this movement must be done slowly and lasts for about 2 seconds to do. Pause at this position for 1-2 seconds to ensure the contraction of abdominal muscles.

Slowly return to starting position keeping your abs contracted.

That's all there is to do.The crunch is not a very important movement because you work on your abs only.

A total sit-up does not work better on your abs than the crunch because once they are beyond the position of crunch, the abdominal are fully contracted and that the hip muscles are straining to keep up and not the abdominal. 

Make a hundred of these a day is not a key role. Putting two to three sets of 15-20 of these in a slow and deliberate pace with good form is what is recommended for Maximum Benefits and minimum risk of injury. 

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