Many people think that curves are what make ladies hot, but abs can
really do the trick. Plus it makes you look buff!
This are the steps
Try crunches and leg lifts; these can really help you get a six
pack. Do flutter leg lifts, box leg lifts, up and down leg lifts,
and just holding your feet up for a minute at a time and do
each type four times.
Go swimming. Doing butterfly (dolphin) kicks on your back is
probably the best way to work on your six pack and/or get a
flat stomach. Training hours are usually for two hours and
most swim teams have practice five days a week at least.
![]() Read my review |
Do cardio as much as possible. Set aside at least one day a
week to run a mile. Playing games like tag and hide and go
seek outside can even burn calories. Taking your dog for a run
is also a convenient way to run, and make sure you drink
plenty of water!
Most importantly, watch what you eat! Eat plenty of protein to
build those ab muscles. Avoid sugar altogether and reduce
your caloric intake.
Eat small portions of food in regular intervals (Frequency: 6-7
times a day)
Do an ab work out for about 30 minutes 2 times a day.
This are the tips
Hydration is VERY important! Drink about eight glasses of water
everyday and avoid sugary "sports" drinks.
Starvation diets starve the muscle when instead, you should be
feeding the muscle.Your body must get energy from somewhere so
guess what gets sacrificed? That's right, your precious muscle which
is in fact responsible for a maintaining a high metabolism.
Take note of this warnings
Swim with a buddy or experienced swimmer if you are new to long distance
swimming and the exhaustion that can occur.
Beware of sunburns while swimming and running; skin cancer can be
a risk, so always wear sunscreen!
Things You'll Need
practice swim suit
swim cap
I highly recommend signing up for this popular Free 6 pack Abs Course which explains the above methodologies in detail which are critical when trying to achieve those 6 pack abs.
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Flat stomach Top secrets Truth About Ab
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